Custom Printed Signage


Now, don’t let the name fool you; just because we’re The Art of Stickers, doesn’t mean that’s all we do. We can supply you with a variety of signage, ranging from posters to banners, even pull up banners. we can print your signage and apply it to materials such as acrylic, aluminium composite panels, and corflute. We can even make magnetic signs for your car, apply vinyl decal signage directly to your car, and make custom business whiteboard layouts. Whatever your signage needs, you can relax knowing The Art of Stickers can handle it and provide you with great quality products. All you need to do is send us an email at with information on what you want, we’ll send you a quote and you’ll have your signage quick and easy. So if you need any signage for your business, just let us know.

Custom-Printed Signage-corflute-pull-up-banner

Custom Sticker Orders

As you know, here at The Art of Stickers, we offer our services to provide you with the sticker you need. Every order that we fill is received electronically so that we have all the information we need to work out a quote as fast as possible. This also keeps the information close at hand throughout the production process. We often receive phone calls for over-the-phone quotes. This makes things difficult, as the information you provide may not encompass all areas of information we need to provide a sound quote. Calculating quote costs is an extensive process that cannot be done in a matter of seconds, especially without any images to see what we’re dealing with. Also, there is often  a queue of customers asking for quotes before we receive your call. This would simply mean jumping the queue, which is unfair to other customers. We implore you to ask for quotes via email or our Custom Request forms listed below.

Custom Printed Stickers:
Custom Vinyl Cut Stickers:

Custom Printed Sticker Laminates and Samples


When you order printed stickers, you always have a choice of laminated, or unlaminated, as well as different kinds of printable vinyl. The choices don’t stop there, however, with two laminate types to choose from. You may decide you want a normal glossy sticker, and get normal laminate, but for those looking for a little less shine, we provide matte laminate as an option. With printable vinyls, depending on your needs, you may want white vinyl, which gives solid prints, clear vinyl to have a more see through sticker, or static cling for a more short term display that will be moved around to reduce excess hassle during removal. It may be hard to make a decision with so many choices, but we have a solution to that in the form of samples. This way you can see which look you like best, as well as checking if the durability suits your needs. If you really want to know which combination is best for you, you can always drop us an email at to request any samples you’re interested in and we’ll send them out to you.

Custom Printed Sticker Sheets

Custom-Printed-Stickers-SheetsIf you order a large number of very small stickers, it’s more than likely you’ll get them sent to you on sheet. Why would we do this? We get a lot of orders in every day, and each order uses man power, as well as machine power, to get your stickers ready for you. Some of the recent orders we’ve received for small stickers have been for amounts of up to 2,000 stickers, and have gotten down to sizes of less than one centimeter squares. I don’t think anyone wants to deal with any large number of singly cut stickers that small. By supplying smaller stickers on sheets, we make it easier for both us, and the customer; we don’t have to put in more time, which would raise costs, and neither us, nor the customer, have to deal with such tiny pieces of paper. It’s a win-win situation.  So if you need any stickers of a small size, we can produce and supply them for you, on sheets of course.

Custom Vinyl Cut Stickers with Layering




Layering is service we offer here at The Art of Stickers, but “What does layering mean?” we hear you ask. Layering is exactly as the word suggests; multiple different coloured vinyl cuts placed on top of one another to create a single image. Once all the pieces come together, they create a more unique and interesting design than just a single colour decal, and sometimes at a lower cost than printing the design. However, layering doesn’t work for all designs, such as ones with lots of small lettering, or more than two to three colours, and is, generally, more likely to be used for adding a border to a current design. An example of a recent sticker we made using the layering technique is this custom cut banner decal . There are three colours to this design; shiny gold metallic, black, and white, and the final product looks just amazing once applied. You never know what kind of decal you could come up with that uses layering, but don’t forget that your friendly Stickerart store will be happy to make it just for you.




Custom Printed Stickers: Redrawn Artwork


When you get a custom printed sticker done, you never know where your inspiration may come from. If you don’t have a ready-made vector image, or a low quality image that you wish was better, there’s no need to worry if you still want high quality decals. Redrawing images is yet another service we offer our customers to ensure everyone gets exactly what they need. This service may not work for all images, such as photos of people, but more towards objects, and images you find online as references. An excellent example of past redraws is this contour-cut custom printed gecko sticker, based on a photo supplied by a customer. This redraw was outsourced, but came back looking just the way our customer wanted.


We even loved it so much, we printed a few extra and stuck them around the office as pets. If you love the quality of our redraw services as much as we do, why not request your own custom printed decals?

Custom Printed Charity Stickers

Custom-Printed-Stickers-Causes-CharityCharity is an important faction of life for the promotion of awareness for, and support of, all kinds of causes in the world. From hunger to illness, species extinction, and natural disaster relief, charities are there for those who suffer in these events.

Charities may be there for those in need, but most are non-for-profit organisations, and as such, are always seeking donations from the public. You never know when you, or someone you know, may need  help in life, so why not give while you can, and support a cause you believe in. Not all donations need to be monetary, either, so you can support charities in various ways: participating in fundraising events such as walking for a cure, donate blood, or becoming an organ donor. Even non-perishable foods, and clothing you no longer need can go towards helping someone who really needs it. 

Custom-Printed-Stickers-CharityAwareness is key to keeping these organizations afloat; advertisement leads to more awareness, which leads to more donations, which leads to helping more people. These charities have chosen custom printed stickers to aid in the promotion of their cause, and by choosing The Art of Stickers, they received some of the highest quality stickers out there. If you need any stickers for your cause, don’t hesitate to contact us for your own custom printed stickers. 

Don’t forget to donate.





Custom Wall Decals: What You Need to Know.

Custom-Wall-decal-printed-vinyl-cut-musicWall vinyl decals are the latest in home decoration to start trending around the world, and are still rising in popularity. Though they have been in production for over a decade, these easy to apply graphics have begun to gain momentum in recent years. With all this in mind, it’s not hard to see why vinyl is currently the second highest plastic resin to be manufactured, and sold, in the world. With all the new attention, it’s easy to miss important information when you order your decals.


What is vinyl?

Vinyl itself is made of polyvinyl chloride (PVC) resin, a type of durable plastic created by processing 

 chlorine, which comes from salt, alongside ethylene, a compound that is retrievable from crude oil, natural gasses and plants. It was first invented in 1920 to assist in the manufacturing industry by creating a durable but cheap, and easy to make material. Today, vinyl comes in a multitude of colours and types including solid, transparent and reflective. This makes vinyl a very versatile material in the production industry, with decoration just one of many uses for it.

How is wall vinyl different?

Due to the variety of uses for vinyl, many different types are created to suit the different criteria each use may have. This includes variations in thickness, durability and adhesiveness. Wall decals are created using a type of vinyl with a lower adhesiveness but higher durability than that of regular decal vinyl. This is done specifically to combat the negative effects that other types may have on walls and paint, such as chipping, cracking, or altogether removal of paint, and even drywall.


Will the vinyl affect my wall?

As stated above, wall vinyl is specially treated to reduce the risks to your walls.This is to ensure that minimal damage occurs to the paint, though it does not negate the damage completely, depending on the type of paint and age. For example, older paint may have a tendency to peel or flake when trying to remove the vinyl, as do newly painted walls that haven’t been left to set for a minimum of two to three weeks. However paint or wall type may affect the wall vinyl application process.


How can my paint/walls affect the Vinyl?

With the new ranges of ‘wash and wear’ paint on the market, having it on your walls may lead to extreme difficulties, and even a headache, when applying your decal. This is due to the ‘dirt repelling technology’ in the paint repelling the adhesive in the vinyl. Decals may also have trouble adhering to rough, textured, or porous walls due to holes, gaps, and sharp points that may pierce the vinyl. So, if you’re planning to put wall decals up around your home, it may be best to think in advance about whether you prefer easy to clean or easy to decorate walls. If you do have the patience, and manage to apply the vinyl to a wall painted with wash and wear paint, it is suggested to warm the vinyl slightly using a hair dryer, as this allows it to adhere more strongly to the surface, and last longer.


What if I want my wall decal printed?

Wall vinyl comes in a broad range of colours and types, as well as printable wall vinyl. This means you can have anything you wish made into a wall decal, wh

ether it be large, small, highly detailed, simple, printed and cut, or just vinyl cut. All these choices are up to you when you order your wall decal, and are easily made upon your request.


Where can I get wall decals made?

Here at The Art of Stickers, we make all kinds of stickers, including wall decals. Just let us know what colour, whether it’s printed or vinyl cut, the size, and give us your design, and we can make your custom decal. Your options are limited only by your imagination.