Black Vinyl Cut Creepy Crawlies

The Art of Stickers website has thousands of designs to choose from, we also try to have a design to suit everyone.

Recently the Department of Environment & Conservation ordered some insects, spiders & butterflies from our easy to use online store.
The department has the lead responsibility for protecting and conserving the State’s environment on behalf of the people of Western Australia. This includes managing the State’s national parks, marine parks, conservation parks, State forests and timber reserves, nature reserves, marine nature reserves and marine management areas. Read more…

These particular designs were cut from black vinyl, this means that the end product will be a black sticker (or decals – as they are known to some) with no background. Choosing these in black, these creepy crawlies are bound to be eye catching!

FYI  – October is coming up, that means for those who like to celebrate Halloween it is nearly time to decorate the home or workplace. Choosing vinyl cut spiders (and other creepy designs) are easy to apply and most importantly remove when Halloween is over. Be sure to have a look around the website, you never know what you might find.

To see more creepy crawlies like the ones below click here.

Custom Printed Sticker on MDF for the Workshop Bar

Today we printed a custom sticker for the workshop bar, we used a high adhesive vinyl and stuck it upside down directly onto unsealed MDF. We found a variety of blues pictures and made a collage with them, it was then printed onto high adhesive vinyl and laminated. We then applied to the underneath of the bulkhead we’ve built for the workshop bar. It worked so well, that we’ll extend it around the rest of the underneath of the bulkhead. The high adhesive vinyl can be applied to many different surfaces including unsealed brickwork, concrete and woods. For your custom sticker needs contact us today!