Vector Artwork for Digital Printing
We operate a digital printer than produces prints on a variety of materials, we focus mostly on Self Adhesive Vinyl (SAV) to produce stickers and large format graphics for Automotive, Commercial, Marine and Personal applications.
When submitting artwork for printing, vector graphics is usually the easiest to work with and has a small file size when compared to raster graphics.
When submitting vector graphics please be aware of the following before sending your file:
- We print using the CYMKLcLmLk model on a Roland XR-640
- Where possible, artwork to be supplied as an EPS file or PDF contain vector graphics.
- Artwork to be scaled to finished size of print required
- Contour and Die Cut lines to be indicated with an obvious stroke/outline colour
- Contour and die cut lines to be grouped together
- Convert all fonts to outlines/curves/paths
- Placed and linked images to be embedded into submitted files
- If necessary, include a bleed if colour extends to edge to be cut